Welcome to Strength Heart and Wisdom.

For All Seekers:

Holders and Followers of the Compendium Ipsissima; Members of the Temple of Strength Heart and Wisdom; Students and Practitioners of Leonorian Metaphysics; Members of the Great Circle of the Order of the Red Rose and its Outer Court, and all those who wish to discover what is hidden behind the veil of Worship and Faith.

Guiding you towards the open Mysteries of Leonorian Metaphysics.
Open Your Mind..

Our Book of Knowledge "The COMPENDIUM IPSISSIMA - A Sacred Blending. Open Your Psychic Mind" is available via this link:

Compendium Ipsissima: Compendium Ipsissima
Metaphysics: Witchy Wisdom
Videos: SHaW

What can you find here?

Here, you will find the tools and information you need to discover a deep Understanding of Creation and How It Occurs. How to make use of it and interact with it, directly and profoundly, without having to believe in or worship any God or Goddess - unless you want to.

Here, you will find the certainty, clarity, inspiration, and guidance you need to expand and enrich your Magical and Spiritual work.

You need this information if..

You are new to the Path and want to learn, but don't resonate with what you've found so far.

You are happy with your current Magical or Spiritual Path and would like to add to it.

You want to know more about what hides behind the veil of Belief, Worship and Faith.

You have gone as far as your current Spiritual or Craft Practice can take you, and you know there is more but have yet to find it.

You have a profound need to feel close to or engage directly with Nature and Spirituality but don’t like or don’t agree with the idea of having to believe in or promote a God/Goddess 'fairy-tale' in order to do so.


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Leonorian Metaphysics. Guiding you towards the open Mysteries of Leonorian Metaphysics. Open Your Mind..


Pragmatist, Realist, Author, Songwriter. Dreamer. Clairvoyant, Psychic. Guiding you towards the open Mysteries of Leonorian Metaphysics. Open Your Mind..